How do you choose a word for the year? Do you even choose one word for the year? One single word to guide your journey into the next chapter of your life?
I am a goal setter. Yes, one of those crazy detailed people who makes lists and exhaustive files of what I want to get done, by when, how much and even my why. I love planning and to be honest, planning is my finest form of procrastination.
Perhaps that is why the simplicity of choosing one word appeals to me. One word for the year is straight forward, easy to remember and downright fun.
I have learned four things about finding just the right word each year. I call it my SOSS.
- Surprise: Often it is not of my choosing. The word comes on its own and appears unexpectedly. Towards the end of the year I pay attention to what words resonate within me as I read. Does it seem like I see it everywhere? It pops up in conversations. I begin a small list of potential possibilities (of course I would have a list! LOL) and then pray, wait and listen.
- Openness: Waiting for just the right word to bubble up, out of my control, without my worrying and manipulating is difficult. I’ve learned that the word will come, more often if I just relax and not force its appearance.
- Savor: As you can tell, I like to make a list and get things checked off. I have learned to allow the word that is calling to me grow in flavor like a big pot of chili simmering all day or fruit to ripen to the right point. Once I think I know what the word may be I hold it lightly up to God for his blessing and insight. I sit and listen and wait again.
- Symbol: Once the word emerges, it is fun to find a symbol and a Bible verse to accompany the word. I put the word in my journal and by my desk and even on my blog sidebar. Then I watch for its wisdom throughout the year as it takes me to places and insights I never expected.
This year discovering my word for 2016 came from a new source. I have been listening to periscopes and podcasts and one person who is fun and motivating to hear is Chalene Johnson. She offered a life assessment in late October where you scored different areas of your life on the scale of one to 10 with ten being the best.
You can guess most of the categories: physical, spiritual, learning new things, financial etc. But when she mentioned one particular dimension I cringed knowing this was definitely not a strength.
She asked: Are you doing things that bring you joy in life?
This was my lowest area in her assessment. I wait till the last minute to read a book I want, then rush through it or fall asleep because it is the end of a busy day. I don’t take the time for fun and to smile and to laugh. Though I practice expressing gratitude each day, I don’t relish it and allow it to seep into my heart.
I knew finding joy could be a possibility for the 2016 word so I applied my SOSS. Joy continue to rise to the top and emerge as THE one word.
My word for 2016: JOY.
Each day I will find delight.
My image of the year is: DANCING WITH GOD.
I think those two go together. Now I am listening and searching for just the right Bible verse to accompany.
If you want to read more about how to choose a word of the year here are some resources.
- Lisa just wrote a great blog post about this topic.
- Abbey of the Arts offers a free 12-day mini-course.
- One Word 365 has a list of ideas of words.
- I have written about choosing one word for the year before and you might find it interesting to read my previous words on these posts for 2014 and 2015.
What do you think? Do you have a word for 2016? What helps you choose a word each year?
Hugmomma says
Jean, I was so excited to share this story with you that I almost couldn’t wait to finish this year’s “Word for the new year” blog before telling you. Last year was my first “pray about a word” experience. My word was “Courage”. I must tell you, each time I needed courage, I was prompted with the memory that this was my year to be courageous and pushed through, when I felt weak, I remembered God asked me to be courageous this year. Courage from God truly changed my life. He equipped me for each task with the nudging that this was my season to stand and that He was with me. Thanks for being a part of that, Jean. When your blog announcement arrived in my inbox, I asked the Lord what my new word would be. With faithful certainty, He gave me my word, and I’m excited to share that it is “redeemed”. We will see what adventure God has planned as we discover all the ways He brings redemption to my life. He is a good and generous Father.
Jean Wise says
You have made my day with your sharing and passionate and love of our Father. Wow, God is soooooo good! And he will continue to me present in both of our lives. Equipped is a powerful word too isn’t it? Just imagine how God will equip, surprise and transform us with our words of joy and redeemed in 2016, I am excited with you and praising God this morning. Thanks so much for sharing!!!!
Martha Orlando says
I love the image of the word for the year bubbling up repeatedly, and offering it back to God for assurance that it is really He doing the choosing. My word for 2016 is Gratitude.
Have a blessed Christmas, Jean!
Jean Wise says
A spiritual director told me once to wait till something bubbled up and that word has helped me listen, wait and hold things lightly ever since I heard it. Love the word gratitude – a very powerful word!! Merry Christmas to you too dear friend
Dolly @ says
Thanks for sharing your process.
Hey, I’ve been sensing God leading me to choose JOY, thus the new series over at my blog…we can be joy buddies 🙂 Merry Christmas early, my friend …may you and yours be blessed with much JOY!
Jean Wise says
I love it we are joy buddies! That is amazing. Let’s continue to share with one another what Joy brings us in 2016. God has given me the image of Dancing with God. – a very freeing moving image. Do you have a Bible verse to accompany joy yet? I know there are lots of them but one hasn’t emerged as THE one for me yet. Merry Joyous Christmas to you too, Dolly
Dolly @ says
I love your dancing image…no image yet…maybe Psalm 126: 2-3 and 5-6.
Jean Wise says
I will have to check out those psalms. Hopefully next week will take some longer Bible time to find just the right verse. I do remember last year, my verse didn’t really emerge clear until March so will wait if necessary. So happy to journey into joy with you! Merry Christmas