Questions are a powerful tool for spiritual growth and practices. I love the exploring and wondering that can be done any time of the year, but is especially helpful with a year-end review. Next week I will further explore this year end practice of annual examen.
I love this time of year. I slow down. I worship. I breath in the Christmas story. I sit quietly by the lights. I rejoice in the music. I listen and behold.
One ritual I do every end of December is to reread my journal and write a summary page of highlights, quotes and learnings from the year that is ending. In early January I take the time to write dreams, hopes and what I feel God is leading me onward into as the new year begins. Capturing these moments in time grounds me, creates spiritual markings along my path, and helps me hear God often in times I am not sure of her presence.
In 2015 I shared a post with a list of some of the questions tugging at my heart and opening my heart towards the new year. I revisited them this week and here is the link if you want to reread those questions for your practice too.
But some new questions are bubbling this year:
- What do I wish I did less of and more of in 2023?
- Where did I see God in the hidden holy all around me?
- What small adventures did I enjoy the most?
- Where did I spend too much time and wasted energy on?
- What is/was most life-giving? Life-draining?
- What am I most grateful for?
- When looking back onto 2023, how did God shape me through events in this past year?
- What surprised me most? My favorite moment?
- What were my favorite memes and quotes?
- How did my word of the year form my choices and my heart?
- What will be a new word to guide me in 2024?
- What would I do differently?
- What was my biggest lesson/insight?
- When I write later in 2024 (the Lord willing), what do I hope for?
- If someone else were to write a book about this past year, how would it go?
- What transitions occurred this past year?
- How well did I engage in self-care?
- Did I complete any bucket list items?
- Name a time when I was brave and stepped outside my comfort zone.
- How is it with my soul after 2023 is finished?
Now I may not answer all these questions as I ponder and journal at the end of the year but many of them will guide me in my reflection.
As John Dewey wrote, ““We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.”
What questions come to mind for you at the end of the year?
Linda Stoll says
Wow. You’ve got a beautiful treasure trove of thoughtful questions, friend. And these are the days to sit with them. Thank you for the spiritual resources that you share with us. I’m so grateful you’re in my life and look forward to growing and creating together in the year ahead. Blessings to you and yours.
Jean Wise says
I have been working through some of these questions today. They did help me focus and rediscover a few things so questions can be so helpful. I am blessed to know and read your words too, Linda. Happy New Year.
Yvonne says
Jean, thank you so much for this list of questions. I have a lot to think about and will slow down as much as possible this weekend. I cherish the time to reflect on 2023 and look forward to 2024.
Jean Wise says
Hi Yvonne! Happy New year. I find if I pick out just a couple of questions and work on them, that is a good place to start. Actually I am working through this list this afternoon!
Clella says
Oh so many questions!! I can’t even remember. Just kidding 😜❤️thanks for bringing some of these questions to me. I truly do need to remind myself about what I experienced in 2023. I am debating the word “”CREATE” for my 2024 focus word. Clella
Jean Wise says
I know, Clella, almost too many questions. i narrowed down the list for my use though. I like the work CREATE for you – lots of positive energy around that word
Pat Forsman says
thank you jean…so good..i love the quote “we learn from.reflecting on experiences..”..i was a prek teacher for over 30yrs and most of my learning was on the way home reflecting upon what i could have done differently for a more positive result…even now i do that as a sub…reflecting the Father and the Son as best we can…peace
Jean Wise says
Reflection is such a powerful practice. I always learn something or remember something. I reviewed my journal just today and reread a whole part, I completely forgot about, full of wisdom I wanted to remember. Gave me a good place to start from in 2024. Happy New Year!
Denise Maryott says
As I look to the New Year I have chosen FOCUS as my One Word for 2024, with several areas of my life I want to concentrate on.
My first goal is to start each day by “focusing” on Jesus by beginning my day in my devotion and Bible reading.
I also want to put more focus on my health beginning with a Sugar Fast.
As the year progresses I will try to add other areas that I find that require me to put Focus into my life.
I think the questions you posted may also assist me in gaining more clarity on areas to focus on going forward.
Wishing you a blessed and Happy New Year.
Jean Wise says
FOCUS ia a great word and one that can be challenging. It hold lots of positive energy though and will guide you through the year I am sure. Happy New year to you too.
Martha J Orlando says
These are great and challenging questions to ask ourselves as we prepare for the New Year, Jean. I do know that I want to spend more time in reflection in 2024. That actually might be a good word for the year. Not sure, but going to keep my antenna up and my options open.
Happy New Year!
Jean Wise says
HI Martha, I juts spend most of this morning rereading my journal and reflecting. I have to work through some, not all of these questions yet. Hopefully you will find your word for the year soon. I remember one year it was mid January before one finally emerged for me. They come at their own pace. Happy New Year!!