The book, Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning, begins with this story and quote from his spiritual director:
“Brennan, you don’t need any more insight into the faith, you’ve got enough insights to last you three hundred years. The most urgent need in your life is to trust what you have received.”
Recently I revisited my bookshelves and this book, Ruthless Trust, called to me. Don’t you love to slowly reread an old favorite and savor its wisdom once again in your life? I needed this book at this time in my life; I am sure God knew that. I needed to dig deep and ponder trust in my spiritual journey just as Brennan Manning did in this book.
Here is some of his wisdom:
“Trust is our gift back to God and he finds it so enchanting that Jesus died for love of it.”
“Childlike surrender in trust is the defining spirit of authentic discipleship.”
“Trust was not some feature out at the edges of Jesus’ teaching; it was its heart and center.”
“The biggest obstacle on my journey of trust has been an oppressive sense of insecurity, inadequacy, inferiority and low self-esteem.”
Manning stressed the need for courage to trust and the spiritual practices of prayer, gratitude, and adoration. All disciplines that take the focus off our self-pity and realign our sight only on God. This was a good reminder of the power of these practices since these past few months I have struggled with discouragement, disappointments, and feeling sorry for myself.
“Our trust in Jesus grows as we shift from making self-conscious efforts to be good to allowing ourselves to be loved as we are, not as we should be.”
Paul Tillich defines trust as “the courage to accept acceptance.”
Manning reminds us that just like faith and hope, trust isn’t self-generated. We can try, try, try and someday fully trust. “The one thing I need to do I cannot do,” he writes. What we can do is be faithful, then trust will come. “What does lie within our power is paying attention to the faithfulness of Jesus. That is what I am asked to do pay attention to Jesus throughout my journey remembering his kindness.”
One of the main lessons I learned by rereading this book is from its title. Ruthless Trust. Manning writes, “Ruthless is defined as without pity. I use this word in this context of trust to mean without self-pity because self-pity is the arch enemy of trust.” I had never considered my feeling sorry for myself and wallowing in the mud of self-pity as such an obstacle to God’s love and healing. Praying about this new revelation, I heard God whisper, “It’s ok to be feel disappointed for a while. Just come to me. Tell me about it and let me accept and love you.”
I am learning to put a time limit of my pity parties.
“Ruthless trust is hanging tough in the dark nights, when we are plunged into desolation but know that the absence of God is only apparent. As Bede Griffiths, said, ‘I feel myself in the void, but the Void is totally saturated with love.” What a wonderful image to cling to when we too find ourselves lost and alone. We are held and surrounded by God’s love no matter how we feel or what situation we face.
Manning concludes this wonderful book by sharing, “The splendor of a human heart which trusts that it is loved gives God more pleasure and delight than Westminster Cathedral, the Sistine Chapel, and all the other human glories combined. Trust is the preeminent expression of love. …With you, clasping hands each morning and crying out in unison, “Lord Jesus, I trust you, help my lack of trust.’”
A great prayer to tuck into our hearts to be open in this adventure into learning to live each day in ruthless trust.
What do you think about when it comes to trusting God? What book have you or would you like to reread once again?
Lisa notes says
Oh, I miss that Brennan Manning isn’t still among us to continue giving us new works. But I’m grateful we can at least revisit his older works which still contain contemporary truths for us. (I looked up how long ago he died…I couldn’t believe it’s been 11 years already!)
Jean Wise says
11 years. wow Didn’t realize it had been that long either. What a legacy he left. and one that still blesses us today
Linda Stoll says
oh my goodness, such deep rich truth in Manning’s words. such deep rich truth in God’s Word to us. now … to heed, take heart, make decisions that honor Him and breathe life into our weary souls.
thanks for sharing this favorite re-read, Jean. i have one of Manning’s books on a bookshelf and you’re prompting a bit of a re-read.
Jean Wise says
I know his book certainly hit me once again at just the right time. Re-reads can be wonderful!! Have a great holiday weekend, Linda!
Nancy Ruegg says
Dear Jean, I’m so sorry you’ve experienced several months of discouragement, disappointments, and feeling sorry for myself. The book you’ve been drawn to does seem to be specially chosen for you by the Holy Spirit! Thank you for sharing some of the wonderful excerpts that were especially meaningful to you. That statement of Bede Griffiths caught my attention: “I feel myself in the void, but the Void is totally saturated with love.” That was my experience too, a number of years ago, during a difficult season. God ministered his grace to me in numerous ways!
Jean Wise says
Thanks Nancy yet this book arrived just at the right time. God is so good. I loved that quote by Bede Griffins also. amazing love!
Pearl Elder says
…allowing ourselves to be loved as we are, not as we should be.
That struck home with me. We feel so unworthy at times. But growing and striving to do better, should encourage us on in our lives.
Jean Wise says
I agree this unworthiness and forgetting how much God loves us all sure does cloud this wonderful gift of life, God gives us!
Pat Forsman says
you hit a homerun with this one jean..thank you!…trust..accept..for me they are just words that i dont know how to use…there are no to’s…so how does one actually implement these concepts …im also overcome with sadness..lostness in this cage of old age…but your words today gave me a solid foothold to the One who holds the key to the cage…
ive been reading Joni Eareckson tadas new book based on brother lawrence book ..practicing the presence of God…she is a real spiritual heroin..
thank you again…peace
Jean Wise says
i didn’t know she has a new book on Brother Lawrence. – One of my favorite lamplighters. I will check this one out. Thanks Pat!
Rosemary P Hall says
Love this. Therese Saulnier called it “radical invincible trust in God”.
Jean Wise says
radical invincible – love that phrase. Thanks for sharing this.
Martha J Orlando says
This post is a powerful one, indeed, Jean, and such an amazing way for us to fully trust in the One who can turn our pity-parties into a grand celebration of His power of love, freely given to us. We all experience disappointments and setbacks, but relying on our Lord to get us through all the storms is the only way to truly live and love.
Jean Wise says
Thank you Martha I know trust is an issue for many of us and really the one way.